
営業時間  9:00〜18:00




実業家へのインタビュー 小松洋太郎




実業家の氏名 Name of the Entrepreneur
小松洋太郎 Yotaro Komatsu
ビジネス名 Name of the Business Ayers Rock ET Clinic

【質問1】 自身のビジネスを展開する中で一番やりがいがある、または好きなことはなんですか?
What do you like the most about creating and managing your own business?

【回答】クライアントの笑顔がやはり一番のやりがいになります。 具体的には、受精卵を移植した後に無事に妊娠診断が出て、エコーで胎児が映ったときの農家の皆様の笑顔が一番嬉しいです。 また、借り腹のホルスタインから黒毛和牛が生まれるその場に居合わせたときの感動は本当 に大きいです。
[Answer] The smiles that my clients show. To be more specific, when the procedure of an embryo transfer has been done and the pregnancy test came back with positive, my clients shows big smiles on their faces. I like to see their joy especially when they are seeing the ultrasound. In addition to that, I sometimes happened to encounter the moment when a holstein gives a birth to Wagyu, and that is something so special while I operate my own business.

What is your advice for young entrepreneur who want to succeed in business? What is your advice for young entrepreneur who want to start business now?

[Answer] Study hard and keep learning as much as possible in your current environment. Create a good network and always get your skills to be updated, constantly.

【質問3】 現在の業績を1~10で測るとしたら今自身の会社はどれくらいですか?
On a scale from 1 to 10, what are the conditions or your startup currently?

[Answer] 8— there is still room to grow my business. In my current prediction, the number of my clients will go up eventually, in 10 years, my business could reach where the 10 is. I am not going to retire until at the age of 80, so I have no concern about that.

【質問4】 もし東南アジア(タイなど)の海外進出があるとしたら、そのビジョンはどんなものですか?
How do you describe the overall conditions for startups in Thailand?

【回答】もし将来そういう機会があるとするなら、自分や会社が儲ける目的ではなく、その地域の経済が潤うように、より多くの就業機会を作ることを目的としたビジネスになると思います。 JAICAとか青年海外協力隊のような位置付けになると思います。
[Answer] My business is currently operated in Japan but if I ever expand my business to Thailand, the ultimate goal should be making the living environment better for local people in Thai. I would like to create job opportunities for them and make them happy. I would not try to maximize the profit for me, I will do the work with my pure heart of helping people.

【質問5】 あなたを突き動かすものは何ですか? What keeps you going?
[Answer] My job only exists because there is strong needs from my clients. The passion and high expectations from my clients keeps me going every single day.

Your business is very unique and original, what kind of things you keep it mind when it comes to financial matter?

[Answer] I will never try to cut cost to get more profit. All products that I use daily are the premium qualities. I provide the best performance with the best product.